So, this week, we added a new puppy to the premises. This is the fluffiest puppy I have ever seen. He sure is a wild one. You know, puppies sure can run and bite/chew and squeal and so on... just all the normal puppy stuff.
We knew for a couple days we would be bringing him home, so we talked about a name. After deliberation, and Aaron and I spouting out semi-normal names and Ella insisting we name him something that starts with an "L", for example; Lizzy, Lilly, Lucy etc., she names everything an "L" name, even the boys. We decided the only appropriate name for this boy would be, Willie the Giant, you know, from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. After all, he is 10 months old and already weighs 125 pounds.....
YES, your eyes do not deceive you, one hundred twenty-five pounds. It is hard for me to take in every time.
His size really resembles the miniture pony a few doors down.
And that is just a rough estimate. I hear he will be huge when full-grown. I think I will look up the word 'huge' in the dictionary, because I thought he was already HUGE.
This picture does this puppy's size no justice. I think I will have "Will Work For Food" put on the name plate on his collar. I wonder if this will convince the neighbors to feed him too. He sure does eat a lot.
By the way, Willie is a full-blooded Pyrenees, Great Pyrenees to be correct. He will handle our light-work and keep the goats safe and sound so we can sleep at night.
I could not convince Lizzy to get close enough to compare the two.
I am pretty sure she was giving me the silent treatment. She has not been thrilled with Willie the Giant intruding on her territory. I tried explaning that with Willie here, she can focus on her beauty sleep.
I felt like I was being looked at through the eyes of a teenager. I could almost hear her mumble, "Mom, come on. All that monster is good for is barking and eating."
I just love this face.